Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Combinatorial Prob.

Real-world Problem in Transportation System 
(Based on the data: 2010)

This is an interesting benchmark for combinatorial problem and it is applied for Vehicle Routing Problem.

All the data based on the real world problem and its collected in 2010 from shipping company.

Each vehicle has different in specification i.e. size, capacity, speed and maximum travel distance allowed.

Some constraints:

1. Total travel time of each route not exceed the maximum travel time allowed.

2. Total travel distance of each route not exceed the maximum travel distance allowed.

3. There are a condition where not every ship can be serve of ports (site-dependent problem).

4. A route has at least one fuel port (multi-depot VRP).

The results using "set partitioning heuristic" to solve the problem could be seen in Table below:

We have data:
1. The size, capacity and speed of each ship.
2. The distance between each port.
3. The number of passenger between each port.

We have result when the problem solved by:
1. Heuristic: Nearest Neighboor
2. General Genetic Algorithm
3. Hybrid Genetic Algorithm

Please send email for more information.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

IBSI/X1/2010 - 6

Latihan menjawab soal (i)


1.   Apakah yang dimaksud dengan:
      a.  Artificial Intelligence (AI)
      b.  Expert System (ES)
2.   Jelaskan beberapa tujuan penggunaan AI (Sumber: Widiyono)
3.   Gambarkan struktur ES
4.   ES terdiri atas 2 bagian, sebutkan dan jelaskan fungsi kedua
      bagian tersebut (Sumber: Hendra Indrawan)
5.   Apa yang anda ketahui tentang:
      a.  User Interface
      b.  Knowledge Base
      c.  Inference Engine
      d.  Knowledge Acquestion
      e.  Working Memory
      f.  Explanation Fascility
6.   Sebutkan beberapa perbedaan system konvensional dan ES
      (Sumber: Yusuf Wijaya)

Expert System (ES) = Sistem Pakar
Artificial Intelligence (AI) = Kepintaran Buatan


1.   Apa yang dimaksud dengan representasi pengetahuan (ES)
2.   Apa yang anda ketahui tentang representasi pengetahuan
      dalam bentuk:
      a.  Frame
      b.  Semantic Network
      c.  Script
      d.  Logic
      e.  Rule Base
3.   Jelaskan kelebihan representasi pengetahuan yang dibuat
      dalam bentuk rule base
      (Sumber: Widiyono dan Hendra Indrawan)
4.   Gambarkan blok diagram: Struktur Rule Base
      (Sumber: Yusuf Wijaya)
5.   Jelaskan cara penerapan representasi pengetahuan yang dibuat
      dalam bentuk rule base pada kasus (pilih):
      -   Sistem kontrol pada rem mobil, atau
      -   Sistem pendeteksi kerusakan HP