Saturday, March 23, 2013

IBSI/III/2013 - 23

MK. Metodologi Riset
Prodi. Teknik Industri IBSI

Perkuliahan 29 Maret 2013, Mata Kuliah Metodologi Riset untuk Prodi Teknik Industri IBSI akan berjalan seperti biasanya.

Pembawa materi: Bapak Ansyar.

Friday, March 22, 2013

IBSI/III/2013 - 22

TUGAS 1:  Metodologi Riset

Tugas 1
·              Dikumpulkan selambat-lambatnya pada 1 April 2013 dan dalam bentuk hard-copy.
·              Jumlah kata adalah 2000 - 5000, dan ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris, dengan TIDAK LUPA menyebutkan sumber/referensinya.
·                Minimal empat sumber referensi.
·                Batas atas 2 cm, batas kanan 2 cm, batas bawah 3 cm dan batas kiri 4 cm.
·                Spasi 2, ukuran huruf 12, jenis huruf Times New Roman.

1.    Jelaskan apa yang anda ketahui tentang "metodologi penelitian".
2.    Jelaskan perbedaan antara penalaran deduktif dan penalaran induktif.
3.    Jelaskan satu persatu langkah-langkah yang dilakukan pada penelitian ilmiah.
4.    Apa yang dimaksud dengan variabel dan jelaskan jenis-jenis variabel.
5.    Apa yang dimaksud dengan data dan jelaskan jenis-jenis data.
6.    Jelaskan perbedaan antara penelitian kuantitatif dan penelitian kualitatif.

IBSI/III/2013 - 22

Tugas 2: Tata Tulis Karya Ilmiah

Tugas 2
·                Setiap kelompok terdiri atas dua orang.
·                Dikumpulkan selambat-lambatnya pada 1 April 2013 dan dalam bentuk hard-copy.
·                Tugas diserahkan kepada Bapak Ansyar (Ka. Prodi Teknik Industri).
·                Jumlah kata adalah 2000 - 2500, dan ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris, dengan TIDAK LUPA menyebutkan sumber/referensinya.
·                Minimal empat sumber referensi.
·                Batas atas 2 cm, batas kanan 2 cm, batas bawah 3 cm dan batas kiri 4 cm.
·                Spasi 2, ukuran huruf 12, jenis huruf Times New Roman.

1.        Sebutkan dan jelaskan jenis-jenis karya tulis.
2.        Jelaskan definisi karya ilmiah.
3.        Sebutkan dan jelaskan jenis-jenis karya ilmiah.
4.        Jelaskan karakteristik sebuah karya ilmiah.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Summarize a Paper

How to Summarize a Research Paper

In summarizing a research paper, keep in mind that a research paper has several parts. The parts of the research paper will serve as your outline for creating your summary. It is presumed that you have already read the whole text of the article, otherwise you will barely have any idea about what you want to write. Here are several tips on how to summarize a research paper.

1.       A research paper may have an abstract which basically tells the reader about what to expect from the article. If the research paper contains an abstract, it can serve as your most basic yet most concise summary of the entire research paper.
2.       If there is no abstract, go the introduction of the research paper. Identify the purpose and the background of the research. These things will serve as your introduction for your summary. The introductory part of the research paper typically includes the thesis.
3.       Go to the literature review and list down the main arguments of the reviewed literature in the research paper, whether they be in support of or against the article you are summarizing.
4.       Identify the methodology used and the reason why the author chose that methodology. This usually refers to the methods, calculations or experiments applied to the variables in the research.
5.       Write down the data analysis done by the author. This typically includes the method used in the research in getting the needed data from the methodology.
6.       Briefly list down the results of the data analysis. Results may include the outcome of the experiment, the end-products or the effects observed at the end of the data analysis.
7.       Provide a short summary of the discussion of the results in the research paper. It basically includes the possible suggestions on how to improve the research or on how to conduct future research based on the given research.
8.       Reiterate the conclusion made by the author.

A few more tips:
            DO NOT give your opinion about the research paper. Remember, you are writing a summary and NOT a position paper.
            DO NOT give unnecessary remarks that are not a part of the research. Write only what is written in the article and, more importantly, stick to the point.
            BE as brief yet concise as possible.

(Source: Splice)


Saturday, March 9, 2013

What is Research

It is not merely:
1.   Information gathering
2.   Transfer of data
-    needs interpretation
3.   Fact discovery
-    must critique
4.   System development

It …
1.   Starts with a problem / question
2.   Has a clear goal
-    specific problem to solve
-    clear statement of problem
3.   Specific plan to proceed – clear research processes / methodology
4.   Requires breaking down of principal problem into smaller manageable sub problems
5.   Is guided by specific research problem / question / hypothesis
6.   Accepts certain critical assumptions
-    differentiate between critical assumptions and hypothesis
7.   May require the collection and interpretation of data to try to resolve the problem that initiate the research
-    Data not interpreted does not provide any insight. Also different mind interprets differently, as different eyes see different things. E.g. statistics about number of criminals caught is seen differently by the police and the educationist / moralist.
-    Underlying and unifying any research is its methodology, which directs the whole endeavor. It dictates how the data are acquired and process to produce meanings.
-    No specific rule to interpret data, although statistical methods are often used.
8.   Is cyclical

1.       Creswell J. W., Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research, 4th Edition, Pearson 2012
2.       Paul D. Leedy & Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Practical Research: Planning and Design, 8th Edition, Pearson 2005

(Prof. Mohd. Sapiyan bin Baba)
